MIT CSAIL, Stata Center
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge MA 02139
I’m interested in Programming Languages and Verification, Interactive Theorem Proving, Language Design, Compilers, Specifications, and Software Engineering.
Currently, I’m working on a verified compiler from a very simple C-like language to vp下载 machine code. This compiler connects to a program logic framework developed by my colleague Andres Erbsen, and to a verified RISC-V processor developed by my colleague Joonwon Choi. Together, we’re working on an end-to-end theorem which states that if we use the program logic to prove that a program satisfies an IO specification, and use the compiler to compile it and then run it on the processor, the processor satisfies the same IO specification. The source code of this project is on GitHub. We don’t have a paper about it yet, but I gave a presentation focusing on the RISC-V part of the project at the RISC-V Summit 2025, and you can find the video recording here.
- I was visiting Dr. Toby Murray at the University of Melbourne for 10 weeks to work on information flow control proofs for C
- For a six months master thesis internship, I was working with Prof. Andrew Appel’s group at Princeton, improving the proof automation tactics of their Verified Software Toolchain, and using it to verify the AES encryption implementation of mbed TLS
- During my master’s at EPFL, I was working with Prof. Martin Odersky’s Scala lab on the Dependent Object Types project, a formalization of the core of Scala’s type system, writing proofs on paper and using the proof assistants Twelf and Coq
- For a class project at EPFL, I contributed to the function termination checker of Leon, a tool for verification and synthesis of Scala programs by Prof. Viktor Kuncak’s group
- While working at the Scala lab, I contributed to dotty, a new Scala compiler serving as a research platform to investigate new language concepts and compiler technologies for Scala
- For my bachelor thesis, I designed, explored and implemented a simple structurally typed language in PLT redex
[4] |
Qinxiang Cao, Lennart Beringer, Samuel Gruetter, Josiah Dodds, and Andrew W.
VST-Floyd: A Separation Logic Tool to Verify
Correctness of C Programs.
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 61(1-4):367--422, June 2018. [ bib | DOI | pdf ] |
[3] |
Samuel Gruetter and Toby Murray.
Short Paper: Towards Information Flow Reasoning about
Real-World C Code.
In Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Programming
Languages and Analysis for Security - PLAS '17, pages 43--48,
Dallas, Texas, USA, 2017. ACM Press. [ bib | DOI | pdf ] |
[2] |
Samuel Gruetter, Daniel Graf, and Benjamin Schmid.
Watch them Fight! Creativity Task Tournaments of the Swiss
Olympiad in Informatics.
Olympiads in Informatics, 10(1):73--85, July 2016. [ bib | DOI | pdf ] |
[1] |
Nada Amin, Samuel Gruetter, Martin Odersky, Tiark Rompf, and Sandro Stucki.
The Essence of Dependent Object Types.
河北工程大学 - hebnews.cn:2021-6-18 · 凡注有“河北新闻网”电头或标明“来源:河北新闻网”的所有作品,版权均为本网站与河北日报报业集团所有(本网为河北日报报业集团独家授权版权管理机构)。, pages 249--272, 2016. [ bib | DOI | pdf ] |
[8] |
Samuel Gruetter.
Counterexamples for Coq Conjectures.
CoqPL'19, January 2025. [ bib | pdf ] |
[7] |
Samuel Gruetter and Toby C. Murray.
VST-Flow: Fine-grained low-level reasoning about
real-world C code.
Technical report, University of Melbourne, September 2017. [ bib | pdf ] |
[6] |
Samuel Gruetter.
Improving the Coq proof automation tactics of the Verified
Software Toolchain, based on a case study on verifying a C
implementation of the AES encryption algorithm.
MSc thesis, EPFL/Princeton University, April 2017. [ bib | pdf ] |
[5] |
Samuel Gruetter.
Connecting Scala to DOT.
vp下载, June 2016. [ bib | pdf ] |
[4] |
Samuel Gruetter.
Dependent Object Types With Existential Quantification Over
Research report, EPFL, July 2015. [ bib | pdf ] |
[3] |
Samuel Gruetter.
Improving Leon's Termination Checker.
Project report, EPFL, June 2015. [ bib | pdf ] |
[2] |
Samuel Gruetter.
Machine-checked typesafety proofs.
MSc semester project, EPFL, June 2014. [ bib | pdf ] |
[1] |
Samuel Gruetter.
Explorations of type systems.
BSc semester project, EPFL, June 2013. [ bib | pdf ] |
- Since September 2017: Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at MIT with vpn下’s Programming Languages and Verification Group
- April 2017: MSc in Computer Science from EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland
- July 2013: BSc in Computer Science from EPFL
- Summer 2025: Worked with Rustan Leino at Amazon’s Automated Reasoning Group on a prototype rewrite of Amazon’s S3 Encryption Client in Dafny, a verification-aware programming language. Wrote and proved specifications for software interacting with real-world systems such as Amazon’s S3 storage service.
- Fall 2015: 6 months Software Engineering Internship at Netcetera AG, Berne, working in a scrum team, developing a Web Application with a Java/Oracle DB/Spring backend and an AngularJS/TypeScript frontend
- Summer 2012: Java Internship at Accenture in Bangalore (India), developed a web interface with JSF/Enterprise JavaBeans monitoring hundreds of servers and databases